Project K-9 Hero K-9 Arlo (Moisture Wicking)
Project K-9 Hero K-9 Arlo (Moisture Wicking)
Arlo is a 4 ½ year old German Shepherd, medically discharged in April 2021 for injuries incurred in the line of duty. After receiving the Purple Heart in Oregon for his actions, he now lives with his handler where he works to spread awareness of mental health!
Project K9 Hero is a national non-profit 501c3, dedicated to providing medical care, food, and death benefit assistance for our nation’s retired Police K-9s and Military Working Dogs. They also help the K-9s who need a home after their service through Rehabilitation and adoption services.
Help us protect those who protect us with our newest Limited Edition and show your support for this amazing organization before this design is Gone Forever!!
This limited time special will close on July 31st and will start to ship out on August 4th.
Any other items on order will not ship until the latest Limited Time Design ship date on order